Tuesday, February 23, 2010


ran 400 m
can't remember the name of the lift - like a deadlift, but pull bar up to chest while leaning over - did 75 lbs 3-3-3-3-3
WOD - AMRAP in 10 min
5 star jump
10 GHD situps
15 squats

did 8 plus 3 star jumps (best of the women :-))

what I cannot do -

pullups - can do with band
box jumps 24" - can do the lowest
rope climb - not at all
Knees to elbows - can't get them to the elbows
L-sit (are these pistols?) - working on those now
run fast - can run but not fast see this http://aquiltingfool.blogspot.com/
push press - stuck at 55-60lbs

1 comment:

  1. L-sit is this - http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/L-sit_demo.wmv

    Pistols are one legged squats.

    Can you do GHD sit-ups? Ring dips? Full depth overhead squats? Handstand push-ups?

    I'd focus on (in order) pull-ups, overhead squats, box jumps and either ghd sit-ups or knees to elbows.

    What is a star jump?


About Me

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This blog is set up to document my road to the 2010 CrossFit Masters (over 50) Regional Competition on 5/8-9 in So. Cal.