Tuesday, February 23, 2010


ran 400 m
can't remember the name of the lift - like a deadlift, but pull bar up to chest while leaning over - did 75 lbs 3-3-3-3-3
WOD - AMRAP in 10 min
5 star jump
10 GHD situps
15 squats

did 8 plus 3 star jumps (best of the women :-))

what I cannot do -

pullups - can do with band
box jumps 24" - can do the lowest
rope climb - not at all
Knees to elbows - can't get them to the elbows
L-sit (are these pistols?) - working on those now
run fast - can run but not fast see this http://aquiltingfool.blogspot.com/
push press - stuck at 55-60lbs

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Today yesterday and Wednesday

Wednesday -
workout - deadlifts - was lifting 165 and my back started hurting so I did not go higher - just stayed lifting there
8 - 100 m sprints... started at 32sec ended at 25

Friday -
weighted push ups 5-5-5-5-5 - started at 20 lbs and ended at 50 lbs. I was doing them with a very fit lady and as she went up so did I. There is not much at which I can match her - but I did at this.
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 - started at 45 got to 55 and that was it. argghhh
rope climbs - did not get much past a few inches off the ground and have the bruises to prove it.

ran 400 m, then warmup

team event - I was paired with two other ladies who are going to the sectionals...

300 38lbs sandbag push jerk
300 deadlifts 135 lbs
300 knees to elbows

we did it in 49 minutes. for my part - I did:

around 85 of the push jerks at 38 lbs
25 deadlifts at 135, then 53 at 95 lbs
100 knees to elbows but I can only lift my legs to about even with my waist.

I weighed in this am - at 153 lbs. been eating very paleo (other than coffee).

I register for the Masters on Monday 2.22 - so I am in. Yikes!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday Feb 13

banana, dried apples, cwc (coffee w/creamer)
hot links, veggies, fruit
scone, coffee with creamer/sugar - (at concert with Merle)

4 rounds for time (32min)
25 burpees
25 wall balls
25 kb swings
25 situps

then watched the CFV 5 WOD training day for those folks who are going to the sectionals!!!

Friday 2/12

eggs, bacon, oj, coffee w/creamer
dinner was at the DeYoung Museum cafe - not bad - but not totally paleo...butternut squash soup, beef in a sauce with veggies and wasabi (mmm), shrimp, water

nothing - as went out with R to see King Tut exhibit

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday 2/11

Eggs with hot links - a personal fav - Jay - you got me started on this
coffee with creamer

salad with chicken, tomato soup, sparkling mineral water

two beef tacos with ww tortillas - I know, but they were ww.

worked on backsquats after warmup. Lifted 130 - but moved down so I could work on form which was hard after the filthy fifty the day before.

Filthy Fifty is:

50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

for time.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday 2-10

Banana, coffee with creamer
chicken, tomato, lettuce, cucumber
macadamia nuts, mineral water with oj and pom juice
3 chicken wingettes, two sushi (did have a bit of rice, but I did not eat much)

CF - filthy fifty - this is my first time doing it. It took me a humbling 42 minutes and it kicked my butt!!! I don't know - just did not feel I had it in me - was dizzy, winded, nauseous, weary - was very hard! I left the gym very sad even tho I did finish it.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday 2/8

am - banana, coffee with creamer
snack - cutie/latte
noon - salad with chicken and nuts, water
dinner - pot roast, vegetables, sparkling mineral water

CFV warmup
deadlift - 1-1-1-1-1
165-170-175-180-185 lb

then lifted 185 three times at once - that was hard

I know I can do 200 at a single lift

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday 2/7 and the week to come

I have been out of town so did not post each day. That will change this week - I am starting my training for the Masters at CFV Monday night.

Even tho I did not do too badly on food - it does not count unless it is posted. I will say, weigh in this am has me at 152 which is the lowest in quite a while.

Fitness - Monday and Saturday at CFV. I did burpees each day til Wednesday but not since.

So -now we start anew ...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday 2/2


coffee with creamer
omelet - tomato, spinach, mushroom

Latte from starbucks

dinner - fajita - chicken, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions - on a whole wheat tortilla

30 burpees in 3:35.50
10 pullups

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday 2-1

Coffee with creamer
Breakfast - banana
Lunch - Salad with salmon and olives; tomato soup; water
Snack - nuts, 1/2 glass oj
Dinner - turkey, brussel sprouts, soycotash

30 burpees in 4:11 - did them first thing in the am before my walk. seemed harder than yesterday...will do them after the walk tomorrow
CF - 50-40-30-20-10 pushups and situps for time - 17.31

About Me

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This blog is set up to document my road to the 2010 CrossFit Masters (over 50) Regional Competition on 5/8-9 in So. Cal.